
05.29.  Új sorozatok kerültek fel (Dexter, Grey's anatomy). Ezen menüpontok kidolgozása folyik! Felkerültek a zenék is (24, Gilmore Girls, Grace klinika)

Hamarosan: Új sorozatok kerülnek terítékre, többek között: Men in Trees, Supernatural. Az eddigi sorozatok zenéi részekre lebontva.

Gilmore Girls
3rd watch

Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Indulás: 2004-07-05
6. szezon
6. szezon : 5. rész

5. rész

  2007.03.15. 00:34


Excelsior Academy – October 26, 1996

Lex and another student, Duncan, talk about comics when Oliver and his buddies come up and mess with them. They knock off Lex’s hat and they make fun of him and the poorer Duncan and leave. As they go to class Duncan swears revenge.

The Present

Lex takes Lana at a reunion at Excelsior and Lois is there with Oliver Queen and his two friends, Geoffrey and Alden. They talk a little awkwardly and a drunken Alden mentions that Duncan isn’t there. Nobody explains what happens to him and Oliver cautions Alden to stop drinking. Alden goes in front of the school and a piece of the statue on top of the building breaks off and lands right next to him. Everyone looks over and sees it and then a sword falls from the statue and kills him.

Lex is back in his mansion and his father shows up to console him. Lex says he is fine but isn’t too upset, much to Lionel’s surprise. Lex rebuffs Lionel’s efforts to console him and Lionel leaves, noting Lana can hopefully console him better.

The Past

Lex and Duncan discuss their plans for the future, and Duncan plans to help the poor. Lex agrees to become partners with him in his law firm, to annoy his father. They hide and see Oliver and his two friends come out into the hall after stealing the test answers.

The Present

Chloe is over at the Kent’s farm for dinner and they are talking about Wall of Weird stuff. Clark says maybe more people escaped from the Phantom Zone. Clark reveals to Chloe that the Fortress is destroyed Chloe says that if she had satellite images she could find out if more craters happened, like Clark’s when he came back. She wants to get access codes to the Queen Industry satellites that were active at the time and Clark says Oliver owes a favor.

Oliver, Lois, and Geoffrey come out of the hospital. They talk a little and Lois tries to find out more about Duncan without luck. Geoffrey gets in his car and as Lois and Oliver start to walk away the car explodes.

Clark meets Oliver in his clock tower as he practices blind arrow shooting and shows off his new EMP arrow. Clark asks for the satellite images from Oliver’s satellites and Oliver asks Clark to do a favor in return--find out if Lex is behind the freak accidents.

The Past

Duncan wants to go to the principal but Lex would rather use the stolen information as blackmail to force Oliver to respect them. Oliver, Geoffrey, and Alden confront them and reveal Lex has already talked to them and wants to know if Lex has “handled” Duncan. Duncan throws Lex off and they fight, Lex beating him badly.

The Present

Lex wakes up from his dream of the past. Everything starts to shake and then a chandelier falls above them and they dive out of the way just in time. Lana gets knocked out and is hospitalized. Clark goes to see her and fights with Lex over Lana. Lex turns him away at the door and Lois shows up and says she is investigating the freak accidents as well. Lois says that Oliver is her boyfriend and doesn’t want something big and heavy to land on him too.

Clark meets up with Oliver to tell him about what he thinks and he gets Oliver to tell him about Duncan. Oliver tells him that it can't be Duncan behind all of this because he and Lex killed him 10 years ago.

The Past

Oliver pulls the furious Lex off of Duncan. Duncan staggers off after shoving Lex away from him. He backs into the street and is hit by a car.

The Present

Oliver says Duncan suffered major brain injury and Lionel got the best doctors to try and save Duncan but he died two days later. Oliver hints that Lionel knows something more and feels they were all to blame for Duncan’s death.

Clark goes to see Lionel and asks about Duncan. Lionel eventually admits that Duncan didn't die but is being kept in a room in a clinic where he’s in a vegetative state. At the clinic, the nurse is giving Duncan a kryptonite-based serum.

Clark goes to the clinic where he is met by Lois. She asks him what he is doing there and he says she isn’t the only one looking into the situation. Clark shows her the piece of paper Lionel gave to him and they go to that room. Lois tries the door and finds it’s locked, but Clark opens it with super strength as she goes for the key.

Lex goes to Oliver’s clock tower and they get into an argument. Lex punches Oliver and Oliver takes the punch, then proceeds to fight him. They’re interrupted when the window starts to shake and they dive out of the way just as it shatters. Lex is knocked out and Oliver stands up to see his hidden room open by its own and an arrow aims itself at Oliver, pinning him to the wall.

Lois and Clark realize Duncan is controlling objects through electro-magnetic charges due to kryptonite tests that were first administered two days ago, and correspond to the deaths. Clark speeds off to Oliver’s tower and rescues him just as Duncan shoots the EMP arrow at Oliver. Clark blocks the shot, which short circuits Duncan’s electromagnetic impulses, killing him.

Clark meets with Lois at the clinic and he makes an excuse about leaving to phone Oliver. As Lois is leaving Clark says to her sometimes you keep secrets to protect the ones you love. She thinks about it and says it’s a stupid idea and leaves.

Clark is with Lana at the manor expressing his regrets about what happened to Duncan. Oliver arrives as Lex has invited him over to thank him… and nothing else. Oliver admits he was wrong for how he treated Lex and Duncan but Lex doesn’t give an inch.

Lex confronts Lionel who kept the knowledge of Duncan’s existence from him. Lex doesn’t trust Lionel’s motives and insists on seeing the data for Duncan’s last treatment.

Clark is lifting hay in his barn and Oliver is talking to him about what happened. Chloe walks in and Clark introduces her to Oliver. As Oliver leaves Chloe admits she’s impressed by him. Clark snaps her out of it and she shows him what she has found and Clark looks at a picture from Australia and realizes it’s Raya.

Prison Break
Grace Klinika

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