
05.29.  Új sorozatok kerültek fel (Dexter, Grey's anatomy). Ezen menüpontok kidolgozása folyik! Felkerültek a zenék is (24, Gilmore Girls, Grace klinika)

Hamarosan: Új sorozatok kerülnek terítékre, többek között: Men in Trees, Supernatural. Az eddigi sorozatok zenéi részekre lebontva.

Gilmore Girls
3rd watch

Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Indulás: 2004-07-05
2. szezon
2. szezon : Episode207


  2007.03.14. 18:01


T-Bag jams his forearm into Jeanette’s mouth to keep her quiet. Michael moves to the window at the female officer approaching the front door. “Hey mom, you home?” Ann, Jeanette’s daughter, shouts out. She turns to see broken glass on the floor and she knows something is wrong. She rests her hand on her pistol and begins to move through the house. Sucre, C-Note and Lincoln press themselves against a wall as Ann moves upstairs.

Michael breathes heavily, trying to get a plan. Jeanette squirms loose from T-Bag’s grip and screams. Ann turns, draws her gun and enters the room. Her sights are set on Michael. T-Bag tells Ann to back down, as Sucre sneaks up behind her. She catches Sucre off guard with an elbow to the face, but Lincoln is able to wrap her up and knock the gun from her hand.

Mahone walks through the Tooele Police Department with Lyle Sands who gives him the run down on the hardware store. Lyle suggests that the men could be long gone, but Mahone knows as long as there’s five million dollars beneath Tooele, the cons are staying in town. Mahone looks inside an interrogation room to Tweener, sitting at a table. “He’s gonna tell us exactly where to look.”

Sara moves nervously through the grocery store with Kellerman chatting along the way. She’s doing her best to stay cool, but she’s breaking. Kellerman asks if Sara would care to join him to make cookies tonight. Sara says she needs to go and Kellerman notices her basket is empty. Something is wrong.

Michael paces and whispers, “This is going wrong in every possible way…” T-Bag tells everyone that they’ve already committed a crime by tying the women to the kitchen chairs, they need to finish the plan. Michael walks off, and is met by Lincoln. Michael tells him that he used to think they’d be able to start over, but he knows there’s no way to do that now. Michael returns to the dining room and apologizes to the women, then promises they will not be harmed. He asks Sucre to watch the women to ensure his promise.

Kellerman informs Agent Kim that Sara is suspicious of him. Kim tells Kellerman that both the governor and Sara are aware of whom he is and they’re back to square one. Kellerman suggests that they try going after L.J. now to get back to Lincoln.

Sara enters the governor’s office and finds Bruce Bennett. She asks to speak with her father. Bruce tells her that the White House withdrew his Vice Presidential nomination. Sara finds it strange that her father’s confirmation was a guarantee and suddenly, President Reynolds withdrew.

C-Note jumps in the hole to help with the digging. T-Bag sits off to the side, strangely piling old “National Anthropology” magazines. The men keep an eye on the television and listen to the latest news. Lincoln comments to the group that Tweener has been gone for a long time.

Prison Break
Grace Klinika

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