
05.29.  Új sorozatok kerültek fel (Dexter, Grey's anatomy). Ezen menüpontok kidolgozása folyik! Felkerültek a zenék is (24, Gilmore Girls, Grace klinika)

Hamarosan: Új sorozatok kerülnek terítékre, többek között: Men in Trees, Supernatural. Az eddigi sorozatok zenéi részekre lebontva.

Gilmore Girls
3rd watch

Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Indulás: 2004-07-05
2. szezon
2. szezon : Episode204


  2007.03.14. 18:00


A car shoots down the rural highway, Lincoln at the wheel, Michael sitting shotgun. Nika’s in the back and asks Michael, “What happens when you get to Mexico?  Where will you go?”  Michael doesn’t turn around, “It’s best if you don’t know.  Best for everyone.  We’ll drop you off in the next town. And I’ll wire you that ten thousand like I said.  Shouldn’t take more than a week or two.”  Lincoln glances in the rearview mirror and notices a car on their tail, coming up really fast.  He alerts Michael, who turns and sees the front end of an old beat up four-door sedan and then BAM!  Nika’s little economy car is jolted forward from the impact, as Lincoln fights to maintain control.  The sedan steps on the gas, comes up beside them; Bellick pokes his mean mug out the window and sneers at them.  Lincoln’s shocked, “It’s Bellick!”  Geary turns the wheel, and slams the sedan into Nika’s car again.  Lincoln’s doing his best to get away, and as Nika screams, he floors the accelerator.  Geary continues to bash against them, and Michael, desperate and frustrated asks Lincoln, “Can’t this thing go any faster?!”  Linc, equally upset, “What do you think?!”  An oncoming truck forces Geary into Lincoln’s lane, but just as soon as it passes, Geary jumps out again to broadside them.  He noses the big old sedan into Nika’s little car and, with a thrust on the gas pedal, shoves them clean off the road.  Nika’s car takes out a bouquet of mailboxes,  and crashes head on into a large tree.  The radiator hissing, Lincoln, Michael and Nika get out of the crushed and smoking car, only to be greeted by gunshots. Bellick’s on them in a flash, and fires two warning shots, “Nobody move!  Nobody move!”  Lincoln and the rest put their hands in the air, as Linc adds “No need for anyone to get hurt, Boss.”  Bellick tells him there’s no need for formalities; he’s no longer an employee of the state, thanks to them.  Michael: “I think somebody wants that reward…”  But Bellick wises them up, “Your pal Manche told me all about your little treasure hunt for Westmoreland’s stash.”  Michael and Lincoln look concerned, and they should be, cause Bellick gives them the bad news, “Get in the car.  We’re going to Utah.”

At gunpoint, Bellick and Geary push Linc, Michael and Nika into the car, all the while Bellick gloating, “All the cops lookin’ for ya all over the country, when all ya had to do was tail the tail, ya know?”  He leers at Nika, “Move the moneymaker, sweetheart.”  Geary pushes Linc hard, and he lands on the sedan and looks down, noticing the headlight is broken.  He surreptitiously takes a shard from it, and slides it under the wheel of the sedan as Michael tries to reason with Bellick, “If you know about the money in Utah, why do you need us?”  Bellick admits that Manche didn’t hear everything Westmoreland had to say before he kicked the bucket, but he heard Utah and five million.  He figures Michael and Lincoln can fill in the blanks.  Bellick roughs up Nika, as he shoves her into the car, and Michael tries to intervene.  But Bellick’s not having it, “Don’t even think about getting cute, smartass.  Now you and your brother are gonna take me right to where that money is, or the whore gets dead real fast.  Ask me if I’m bluffing.”  The car drives off, and we see the tire drive right over the shard of headlight that Lincoln had put into place.  

Prison Break
Grace Klinika

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