
05.29.  Új sorozatok kerültek fel (Dexter, Grey's anatomy). Ezen menüpontok kidolgozása folyik! Felkerültek a zenék is (24, Gilmore Girls, Grace klinika)

Hamarosan: Új sorozatok kerülnek terítékre, többek között: Men in Trees, Supernatural. Az eddigi sorozatok zenéi részekre lebontva.

Gilmore Girls
3rd watch

Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Indulás: 2004-07-05
2. szezon
2. szezon : Episode201


  2007.03.14. 17:58

SPOILER!!!! Manhunt

As night turns into day over Fox River Penitentiary, a hand meticulously works over a crypto-quote. Off-screen, FBI Agent Alexander Mahone asks, “The escapees -- who were they?”

Another agent tells us; “Michael Scofield, structural engineer, five years for armed robbery. Benjamin Miles Franklin, former U.S. Army, eight years for possession of stolen goods. John Abruzzi, don of the crime family of the same name. Life without parole for conspiracy to commit murder. Charles “Haywire” Patoshik, sixty years for 2nd degree murder. Fernando Sucre, five years for aggravated robbery. David “Tweener” Apolskis, five years for grand larceny. Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell. Life for six counts of kidnapping and murder. Lincoln Burrows. Scheduled to die next week for the murder of President Reynold’s brother.”

Mahone asks how long it’s been since they went over the wall? “8:00 p.m. last night.” Scofield and Burrows are brothers. And Scofield’s the mastermind of this thing? I want everything they have on him.

As Michael and the rest of the cons race through a dense forest, Bellick and his team of C.O.’s are fast upon their heels. The cons momentarily stop to catch their breath, when off screen, they hear a strange sound coming from beyond the tree-line. They walk a few feet and discover the noise is a passing train. The cons break towards it, with Lincoln leading the charge. With the C.O.’s still on their tails, Lincoln, Abruzzi and C-Note race in front of the train and just narrowly cross the tracks to escape on the other side. But Michael and Sucre are a few steps behind them. As they try to keep up, Sucre manages to jump up onto the side of the moving train and climb inside a boxcar. Bellick reaches the tree line and sees Michael grabbing onto the train. Raising his shotgun, he shouts, “Freeze! I will gun you down Scofield!” But Sucre quickly pulls Michael inside just as Bellick fires off a wild shot, hitting the side of the train. The pair then successfully jump off the other side of the train and make their escape. Frustrated, Bellick turns to another C.O., asking where the air units are. “Back on the ground refueling.” Bellick fumes.

Back at Fox River, Mahone prepares for a press conference. He straightens the cuffs of his suit jacket, staring into his hardened reflection in a mirror. Before he walks out, he grabs a pen. As camera flashes start to pop off in quick succession, Mahone enters the press conference and takes his position behind the podium. “I’d like to talk about John Wilkes Booth for a moment,” he tells the room of anxious reporters. “Abraham Lincoln’s killer. Twelve days. That’s how long it took to find him. He was a shrewd guy; he knew the land, how to use it to disappear. In his journal during this period he wrote that the shadow was his friend, the night his domain. He acknowledged that whatever neurosis drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compounded, magnified, by flight. By the sounds of dogs at his heels. Fear becomes paranoia, paranoia ultimately psychosis. I bring this up because in 140 years the fundamental mind of the escaped man has not changed. The escaped man is still human. He is still afraid. And he will stop at nothing in his attempt at flight. Fortunately for us, while our quarry has shadow and night as his ally, we have something far greater. Far more powerful than law enforcement had in those days. Television. I would encourage everybody who is watching – everyone in this country to take a look at these faces. These men are now the eight most wanted men in America.”

Prison Break
Grace Klinika

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